Hybrid Solar System

A hybrid solar system is a combination of grid connected solar system with an option to connect batteries. Traditionally, battery backup systems were used primarily in off-grid or standalone systems that were not connected with the electricity grid. However, with the advancement of technology and the price of batteries becoming cheaper and with ever rising electricity prices, hybrid solar system has come out to be a feasible option with the grid connected solar systems.

Hybrid inverter gives you the best option to combine the benefit of feed in tariff and at the same time store the excess of energy for the evening or night usage. Now-a-days, hybrid inverters come with advanced programming which gives you option to store energy instead of transferring back to the grid at a lower feed in tariff and use it during evening or night hours instead of buying energy at a higher rate.

Other advantages of hybrid solar power system:

Mitigating higher electricity rates

You can buy electricity from the grid during ‘off peak’ hours when it is relatively cheaper as compared to ‘peak’ hours and use the stored energy during evening or night hours instead.

Reducing dependency on the electricity grid

You can use the stored energy during black-outs or during the time the power supply is interrupted from the grid. This reduces your dependency on the power supply from the grid.

Overcome the restrictions of limited exports by the electricity provider

Electricity providers impose restrictions on the amount of energy exported back to the grid due to the limitations in the transmission of energy by the local transformer. This denies the full benefit of feed in tariff to the consumers with a higher capacity solar system installed at their property. Hybrid system comes as a boon as it helps them to store the excess energy and use it during evening or night time instead of wasting it completely.

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  • How much does a hybrid solar power system cost?

    The cost of 6.6kW hybrid solar power system along with a mid-sized battery will cost at least 3 times higher as compared to a grid connected 6.6kW solar panel system with a conventional inverter. Again, the cost may increase depending on how many batteries you want. Also, usually the life cycle of a battery is around 5 years. Installation of hybrid system is usually complex and involves higher cost of installation as compared to a conventional installation. Hence, considering all these factors, it is highly unlikely that the battery backup system is expected to payback the price before its life cycle expires.

    If price is secondary to you against the above listed benefits, a battery backup system is certainly a good option. However, with the advancement of technology and increasing demand of battery backup systems, the cost is expected to go down in future.

  • What to look for in a hybrid system?

    First of all, battery storage capacity is an important factor to look for. There are various sizes of batteries available in the market ranging from 3kW to 15kW. Selecting the most suitable size depends on your usage and budget. It is best to start off with a small-sized battery add more number of batteries depending on requirement.

    Secondly, type of batteries also plays an important part. For example, lead-acid batteries are cheaper option as compared to lithium-ion batteries but they have a shorter life span and are of old technology. Lead-acid batteries are also heavier in weight and occupies more space.

    Finally, life cycle and warranties are also critical factors whilst deciding on the type of battery you should go for.

    To get more insight on whether to choose a conventional solar system or a hybrid solar power system for you home, call us on 1300 650 747. We will suggest a tailor-made solution that best suits your needs assuring an optimum payback on your solar investment.

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